Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Seven Sentence Story:

1. Girl is allergic to peanut butter, but loves peanut butter to death.

2. Brother gets peanut butter out of the cabinet and places it on the table.

3. Brother gets the peanut butter out and makes a sandwach. Then walks away with the peanut

butter sitting at the other end of the table, from where the girl is sitting down at.

4. Girl grips the table to control herself from reaching for the peanut butter.

5. Boy sneaks around the corner to see what his sister is doing.

6. Now the girl has peanut butter on the end of her spoon and licks it.

7. The brother at the last minute yells no to her sister and takes the spoon from her and says

something along the lines of "So easily manipulated".

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